The Keeping Pace 2013 Sponsors
We are deep in the trenches of researching and creating Keeping Pace 2013, and each month, the report sponsors gather on the phone to identify key issues and trends that we should cover, discuss editorial approaches, and generally share their experiences from specific states and programs. Much of the value of Keeping Pace derives from the dedicated support of these sponsors. As we noted in previous reports, the cast of Keeping Pace sponsors evolves every year, with the only common thread being that they are educational organizations that share an interest in online and blended learning and that believe current policy and practice information should be available to practitioners and policymakers. Together the sponsors represent public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and for-profit companies in the K-12 online and blended learning field. The collective experiences are stronger than any single organization could provide. The Keeping Pace 2013 sponsors are:
- Advanced Academics: Andy Scantland
- Avi Chai: Rachel Abrahams
- Connections Education: Pat Laystrom and Mickey Revenaugh
- Edgenuity: Sari Factor and Amy Protexter
- Florida Virtual School: Holly Sagues and Julie Young
- iNACOL: Allison Powell, Matt Wicks, and Maria Worthen
- Michigan Virtual University: Jamey Fitzpatrick and Joe Freidhoff
- The NROC Project: Dani Pedrotti
- Pearson Education: Todd Hitchcock
- Edmentum: Andy Frost and Eric Swanson
- Santa Cruz County Office of Education: Kelly Schwirzke and Adam Wade
- Texas Education Association: Kate Loughrey and Barbara Smith
- The VHS Collaborative: Mark Bucceri and Jeff Elliott
- Wyoming Department of Education: Lachelle Brant and Scott Bullock
Thank you!