Evergreen Education Group

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Michigan Virtual University Releases Toolkit for Districts

Michigan Virtual University (MVU) is one of many state virtual schools that a few years ago began to recognize that it needed to evolve its thinking about how it served students across the state, expanding beyond the traditional state virtual school role of focusing solely on offering supplemental online classes. In Keeping Pace 2011, we discussed this evolution, and included this graphic from MVU showing some of the roles that a state virtual school can play: key roles played by a state virtual school

As part of this evolution, MVU has just released a tool kit that provides resources to districts looking to start their own online and blended learning programs.

The tool kit is a collection of free resources for school leaders related to Section 21f of Public Act 60 of 2013, which expands student access to any time and any place learning options in grades 5 through 12. It is this piece of legislation that gives Michigan “course choice” status.

In addition, Michigan Virtual University worked with a variety of education groups to identify, develop, and collect a set of practical resources – a Tool Kit – to support schools as they implement expanded online learning options for students. The collection of free resources includes sample:

  • letters to students, parents, and school board members
  • board policies
  • a planning guide
  • counselor checklists
  • a online learner agreement

The tool kit also points to all relevant legislation, and includes guides for schools on pupil accounting in online programs.