Evergreen Education Group

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Help us create Keeping Pace 2011

It is hard to believe it is already time, but we are thrilled to have kicked off Keeping Pace 2011 with our first sponsor call. We are able to make so much information publicly available on our website because we have a fabulous group of sponsors each year who support this important work. Many have been with us for many years, but we are also excited to welcome some new sponsors to the mix this year. We will spend the next six months researching and writing, and again release this year’s report at the Virtual School Symposium in November. The research process begins with brainstorming, and we would like to hear from Keeping Pace readers, practitioners, policymakers, and anybody else with an interest in K-12 online and blended learning. What significant trends can be identified this year? What are people talking about? What should people be talking about? Where should we be heading? What is happening legislatively?

It is important to us to create a practical, usable guide for policy makers and practitioners around the country – and that includes you. What would you like to see covered in Keeping Pace 2011? What information would you like to have at your fingertips but can’t seem to find? What information would help you make an argument to grow online and blended learning in your school, district or state?

We look forward to hearing your feedback, not just now, but through the research and writing process over the next six months.  While we can’t make guarantees about what we'll be able to publish either here on the blog or in the print report, we look forward to hearing your ideas. Feel free to respond here in the comments, or by emailing Amy directly.