Keeping Pace 2011 Trend #6: More than 16 states pass online learning laws

In preparation for the release of Keeping Pace 2011 on November 8, we are sharing nine trends identified during our research and the writing of the report. To see the list of trends as it grows over these two weeks, please visit: Trend #6: Several states passed important new online learning laws, some of which cited the Ten Elements of Digital Learning created by Digital Learning Now.

Less a trend than a series of notable events, new online learning legislation in Florida, Utah, Idaho, Ohio, and Wisconsin will change the education landscape in those states in coming years. Digital Learning Now—an initiative managed by the Foundation for Excellence in Education in partnership with the Alliance for Excellent Education—released its Ten Elements of High Quality Digital Learning in December 2010. Some of the new laws cite the DLN elements.

Legislation affecting full-time online education was passed in at least 16 states in 2010-11; many states also passed laws dealing with supplemental online education. The state profiles for each state will detail those changes, both in the full report and here on the website, when released next week.