Online Learning Requirements: Keeping Pace 2012 Update
The K-12 online and blended learning field is changing a great deal this year; we’ll have our work cut out for us with Keeping Pace 2013 research! Among the policies that have changed in a few states are online learning requirements. These changes have rendered parts of the Keeping Pace 2012 report outdated. The section detailing state-level online learning requirements (p. 41) lists five states with varying types of requirements, notes some districts that have policies, and identifies other states that have considered requirements. There are two updates to this section.
1) The final Minnesota legislation (SF1528, 2012) did not include language encouraging all students to take an online class.
2) Idaho repealed its online learning requirement (see our blog post about many changes to Idaho’s online learning landscape for more details).
Thus far this year, no other states have passed an online learning requirement. If your district or school has a policy, please comment below.