Panel Discussion on Monday at ASCD Conference

If you are attending the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) Conference in Los Angeles this weekend and into early next week, please come join a panel discussion that I’ll be moderating at 8am Monday morning titled "Why Every District Wants its Own Virtual or Blended School." Here’s the description: After dipping their toes into online learning for the past decade, school districts across the nation are diving in, launching their own complete virtual and blended schools in droves. What is driving this trend toward innovative schools, and what do districts need to do it right? Hear from a panel of district leaders about what it takes to create quality programs to address the Common Core standards, meet underserved students’ needs, and thrive in the “new normal” of competition and shrinking resources.

I’ll be joined by Kelly Schwirzke of the Santa Cruz County Office of Education (CA), Kim Loomis of  Clark County School District Virtual High School (Las Vegas, Nevada), and Daniel Mahlandt of the Ephrata Area School District (PA).